ND Vision Zero Partner Conference
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2023 Partner Conference

2023 Traffic Safety Awards

Commemorative Coin
Law enforcement officers who have demonstrated a commitment to enforcing and promoting traffic safety laws have been awarded a commemorative coin for their efforts.

Grand Forks County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Adam Vonask
Deputy Jake Stauss
Deputy Joachim Kazmierczak
Deputy Nathan Walbaum
Deputy Noah Prudhomme
Corporal Shane Rothenberger
Sergeant Thomas Inocencio

Ward County Sheriff's Department
Deputy Kayla Powers
Deputy Casey Visocsky

Cass County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Tyler Beckius
Deputy Mike DeVries
Deputy Brad Heger
Corporal Ty Hiedeman
Deputy JJ Koerber
Deputy Justin Phillips
Deputy Chad Thompson
Deputy Keith Holland
Deputy Amy Kempfer
Deputy Michael Reveling
Deputy Rob Sherrill
Sergeant Keenan Zundel

Benson County Sheriff's Office
Chief Deputy Travis Carlson
Deputy Josh Gartner
Deputy Breck Ehlers

Fargo Police Department
Officer Elliot Duggan
Officer Evan Luoma
Officer Christopher Nelson

North Dakota Highway Patrol
Trooper Kristina Luhman
Trooper Darin Malafa
Sergeant Kristjan Helgoe
Trooper Jamey Jahner
Trooper Nathaniel King
Trooper Ves Marinov
Trooper James Myers III
Trooper Miles Rhonemus
Trooper Jonathan Skalicky
Trooper Andrew Skogen
Trooper Thomas Steenstrup
Sergeant Joshua Gudvangen
Trooper Coby Hubble

Bismarck Police Department
Sergeant Timothy Bleth
Officer Justin Antonovich
Officer Joseph Petersen
Beyond the Traffic Stop
This award honors officers who used outstanding investigative skills that led to multiple arrests for narcotics, stolen property, and/or outstanding warrants from a single routine traffic stop.
  • Officer James Opp - Grand Forks Police Department
  • Officer Jacob Zach - West Fargo Police Department
This award is for the reporters/news organizations that have been fair, balanced and informative in reporting transportation/traffic-related issues on radio, television, newspaper or internet/social media.
  • Jody Kerzman - KFYR TV
  • Warren Abrahamson - News Dakota
  • Denny Johnson - KNOX Radio
  • Shanda Christianson - Simmons Multimedia
Child Passenger Safety Technician
This award recognizes Child Passenger Safety Technicians and/or instructors for their commitment to child passenger safety.
  • Amber Emerson - Safe Kids Minot
  • Greta Miller - Safe Kids Fargo-Moorhead
  • Jasmine Wangen - Safe Kids Grand Forks
Vision Zero School of the Year
Vision Zero School of the Year Award
This award recognizes a school for its dedication to becoming a Vision Zero School and establishing a culture of personal responsilblity where motor vehicle fatalities are viewed as preventable.
  • Flasher Public School Bulldogs
This award is for the individuals and/or organizations that have gone above and beyond and actively play a role in decreasing motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries through their outreach and education to support Vision Zero.
  • Sergeant Sam Mahoney - Ward County Sheriff's Department
  • Kelly Browning - Impact Teen Drivers
  • Deputy David Tomlinson - Morton County Sheriff's Office
  • Christine Bloms - Grand Forks Central High School
Honor Roll
This award recognizes outstanding service to the community, information technology, safety, public affairs and/or consumer education programs throughout the state of North Dakota in the area of traffic safety.
  • Jordan Beckley - Wells County District Health Unit
  • Carma Hanson - Safe Kids Grand Forks
  • Sergeant Timothy Bleth - Bismarck Police Department
Infrastructure Individual of the Year
This award recognizes an individual that improves infrastructure safety to roadways, bridges or bicyclists/pedestrians throughout the state, region, a county or an organization.
  • Dale Heglund - North Dakota Local Technical Assistance Program
Infrastructure Project of the Year
This award recognizes a project that improves infrastructure safety to roadways, bridges or bicyclists/pedestrians throughout the state, region, a county or an organization.
  • Cass County Highway Department/City of Mapleton - Moore Engineering
Infrastructure Program of the Year
This award recognizes a program that improves infrastructure safety to roadways, bridges or bicyclists/pedestrians throughout the state, region, a county or an organization.
  • NDDOT Travel Map Enhancements - NDDOT Maintenance and NDIT
This award recognizes individuals and/or organizations who actively play a role in decreasing motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries in North Dakota through their work to support Vision Zero.
  • Dana Larsen - Ward County Highway Department
  • Jason Benson - Cass County Highway Department
  • Sheriff Kelly Leben - Burleigh County Sheriff's Department
  • Sheriff Andrew Schneider - Grand Forks County Sheriff's Office
  • Senator Dean Rummel - District 37
  • Carma Hanson - Safe Kids Grand Forks
  • Ryan Gellner - North Dakota Association of Counties
  • Sergeant Wade Kadrmas - North Dakota Highway Patrol
DRE Officer of the Year
This award is for a single DRE officer who excels in conducting drug evaluations, is active in promoting the DRE program within their agency and provides education awareness to their peers and community about the dangers of drug use and drugged driving.
  • Corporal Shane Rothenberger - Grand Forks Sheriff's Office
Traffic Safety Officer of the Year
This award is for a single officer who has displayed a well-rounded effort for traffic safety through enforcement, community education and training.
  • Sergeant Keenan Zundel - Cass County Sheriff's Office
Saved by the Belt
This award promotes the voluntary use of safety belts or other restraint systems in a motor vehicle.
  • Abreille Schnurr, North Dakota State University Student
Saved by the Helmet
This award promotes the voluntary use of a helmet while riding a motorcycle.
  • John Boury, Northwood, ND